Wind Tunnel Design and Controls via Arduino FreeRTOS
Chris Ciak
In the current world, the ability to model and test systems in a controlled environment is
absolutely essential. Testing systems in their actual environments can be very expensive and sometimes
very dangerous. For example, trying to understand what happens when you place your hand outside of
your car window while driving 70 MPH on the highway is very dangerous. However, being able to test
this in something such as a wind tunnel where you are in total control is not nearly as dangerous. This concept can be applied to many things in motion. There will always be a need to analyze items in motion or flight.With this in mind, our team set out to implement the controls for a small-scaled model of a wind tunnel. Additionally, one member of the team was able to spend extra time and bring contributions from
MECH-322: Fluid Mechanics to enhance the project delivery.
After conducting the flow lab experiment for the fluid mechanics lecture by using the wind tunnel in the energy systems laboratory, I was in awe. The wind tunnel sparked much curiosity in me and I was very interested in learning more about what they are for and how they are designed. When presented with the opportunity to replace the final exam in fluid mechanics with a personal learning experience, I knew that researching and designing my own wind tunnel would be a challenging, educational endeavor.
Additionally, I knew I would be able to utilize skills learned through my dual major education of mechanical engineering and computer engineering.
The ability to test items within a wind tunnel provides many benefits. Firstly, this makes the testing process much easier for those carrying testing out. Tests may be repeatedly carried out within a controlled environment for repeatable results. This ability provides much benefit for the environment. Rather than having to test items “in-the-field” in the particular scenario it would be used, it can simply be done in a lab with a wind tunnel. This reduces the need to prepare all of the additional materials that would usually be needed to conduct field tests. For example, another project team had the goal to analyze the aerodynamics on a Porsche 911. Rather than having to go purchase the full car made from thousands of pounds of raw materials, burning precious fossil fuels that harm the environment, they were able to secure a scaled-down model that could be tested with much less cost financially and environmentally. This effect spans across almost every use-case for a wind tunnel.
With the goal of implementing complete controls for a wind tunnel, the project vision had sight. Most importantly first, we wanted to make it very easy and simple for the user to monitor different parameters of the tunnel. Next, we wanted to provide a fan which would act as the source providing the high-speed wind. To give the user complete control of the fan, we knew that implementing physical buttons would provide a simple, tactile way to alter the fan’s condition. To be able to understand the specific conditions inside the test section where the user would be analyzing the item of their choice, they would need a way to get real-time data on the pressure and velocity of the air inside. Employing a physical manometer with pitot tube, we provided the user with tools necessary to enter this information which could be easily converted to simple, digestible information. Finally, to make information even easier for the user to use, we decided to implement a simple way for the user to switch between reading information in SI units to US customary units. Packaging all of this into one easy to hold or set down box creates a very simple tool for the user to use. Electronic component wiring diagram can be found in the appendix.
Click here to read the Report.
Click here to view the Presentation.
Click here to review the RTOS Code.
Part 1 Part 2